QR Code & NFC Generation & tracking platform

Old Media, New Tricks

From Traditional to Digital

Bring the benefits of traditional Media to a Digital age

Connect Offline to Online

Connect Physical Marketing to Digital Marketing

Create a QR Code or Tag onto any object to enable a Digitally connect touchpoint

Track every interaction

Track everything with our Analytics

Using our Analytics platform create, manage and track every campaign

The Digital world has impacted all our lives. It provides the highest traceable engagement and interactions with exiting and potential customers. It’s challenge however is that it is intangible unlike objects in the offline world. Push allows you to connect physical things to a Digital world.

By connecting any marketing material, product or touchpoint to a Digital end point you can trace, collect and direct consumers to ensure you reduce the path to purchase of your service sand products.

Push allows you to maximise your attention-grabbing marketing communications to create interest responses by adding our NFC Tags and QR Codes to your communication. It creates interactive touchpoints that a consumer can easily capture at the point of desire creation to perform a vital purchasing action such access information, initiates a callback response or purchases immediately. The NFC and QR Code touchpoints are tracked on an opt-in basis as the physical act of capture is the consumers choice, this makes them feel protected and nurtured in your marketing relationship.

Push is an online application that allows you to take full control and generate as many NFC Tags and QR Codes as you require to add to any of your Marketing communications such as POS, Posters, physical products Press Adverts, online Adverts, Emails etc. Once the tags are created and placed they can be used to drive consumers to a number of different campaign goals from mobile websites, eCommerce solutions for direct purchasing, SMS response, email response and many more.


Supports NFC Tags & QR Codes
• Generate NFC Tags & QR Codes for vCards, Calendar Events, Email, Phone, SMS, URL’s and Social Media links
• Edit QR Code Colour, Size and shape
• Export to your QR Code to PNG, GIF, JPEG, PDF, EPS and SVG

Easy to use Dashboard for QR Code analytics
• Includes advanced detailed reporting for NFC Tags & QR Codes
• Location, content and device detail reports
• Comparative reports available
• Full date filtering
• Graphical charts

• 100% Online solution – access your NFC Tags & QR Code campaign data anywhere
• Tablet & Mobile version of NFC & QR Code campaign tracking application
• Hosted and backed up – hassle free NFC Tag & QR Code generation

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